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The Role of a CoPilot – How is Managing a Network Like Flying a Plane?

Cammy Perry Content Marketing Specialist Published 2 Nov 2022

Pilots have a lot to do while flying a plane. That is why they have a CoPilot, someone along for the ride they can trust to help them and make their job a little easier. If a Pilot had to fly the plane themselves, they would likely get overwhelmed by the many screens, alerts, and systems they are expected to maintain.

What Does the CoPilot Do?

The CoPilot sits with the Pilot and helps prepare the aircraft, maintain flight records, communicate ideas, review aircraft performance, and respond to alerts. CoPilots are trained on the plane systems, so they are always prepared to help during an emergency or make recommendations on the best course of action.

Simply put, the job of a CoPilot is to be there to help the Pilot with the many different tasks that go into flying the plane.

Learn How Your IT Team Can Be Everything At Once With the Right CoPilot

What Makes Network Management Similar to Flying a Plane?

A lot goes into flying a plane, similar to what goes into network management. Think of your IT team as the Pilot. They have to do many similar jobs, like being aware of the plane’s status or network, communicating plans with air traffic control or CIOs, and controlling the plane through takeoff and landing or while configuring new devices.

So, if flying a plane and managing a network is similar, why doesn’t your IT team have a CoPilot?

With ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot, they can!

Learn How CoPilot Can Help Your Team Address Common IT Problems

How is ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot Similar to a CoPilot on a Plane?

Continuously Check the Condition of the Plane

CoPilot is constantly working in the background to help you understand what is happening in your network and to alert you of any anomalies that need to be addressed. This allows you to be proactive in mitigating network performance threats to ensure users never experience downtime.

Keep Records of Navigation and Events During the Flight

Data is the key to making decisions, whether flying a plane or managing a network. When you have data, you can make intelligent, informed decisions based on patterns to feel confident in your choices.

A CoPilot is responsible for keeping track of that data. With ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot, you will have enhanced data, so you have all the facts when making decisions.

Filter Out Noise and Identify Relevant Data to Help Make Informed Decisions

With access to unlimited data, sorting through information can be overwhelming. CoPilot organizes the data for you and shows you what is most relevant. This way, you can spend less time finding the right information and more time implementing the change or troubleshooting a network issue.

Make Clear Recommendations Based on The Knowledge They Have

ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot is equipped with explainable machine learning that will recommend troubleshooting steps for network issues to help you reduce your mean time to resolution. It takes the most relevant data and guides you through the troubleshooting process, so you don’t have to waste time on trial and error.

Plan Flight Routes

Before the plane can take off, the Pilot and CoPilot must work together to establish their planned flight route. They also have to be aware of alternative options if they need to readjust while in the air. ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot features digital twin technology so that you can establish your planned configurations by staging and validating in a sandbox environment before deploying to minimize disruption to the network’s performance.

Learn More About The Industry’s First Networking Digital Twin and How Your Team Can Make Sure They Never Have to Play From Behind Again with ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot

Related Resources

Every enterprise network needs a CoPilot; learn more about ExtremeCloud IQ CoPilot and how it can help your IT team simplify network management.

Watch our webinar, where we cover how CoPilot can help IT teams be everywhere at once to ensure optimal user experiences: On-Demand Webinar

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