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The Grades Are In! Extreme Academy Live Captivates Students and Democratizes Access to IT Training

Rohan Abey Director, Training and Partner Enablement Published 12 Mar 2021

As the pandemic sped up enterprise digital transformation initiatives, the demand for network administrators, data engineers, and IT managers throughout all industries soared. IT teams needed more personnel to assist with initiatives and expected their teams to be up-to-date on the latest in networking, including cloud, AI, ML, and security best practices.

In response, Extreme rolled out Extreme Academy Live, a free, 8-part online course, designed to teach students the fundamentals of networking technology, wireless communication, and the Internet. We didn’t know what to expect when we held our first-ever live-streamed course, but we knew we wanted to train as many students as possible and make Extreme Academy Live accessible to all.

We are elated to share that our inaugural offering of Extreme Academy Live has been incredibly successful. In the first week after the last class aired, 300+ Extreme Networks Certified Associate certifications were awarded. As of today, there have been 25K views and 15K hours watched of the Extreme Academy Live course to date. 

That’s not all. The feedback we’ve received from attendees has been overwhelming. We’re incredibly proud and humbled to know this course has enabled so many to earn a certification and gain a stronger understanding of networking technology and wireless communications. Below are some of the amazing testimonials we received from participants.

“Network engineering is a sophisticated and exciting industry that I’m looking to enter. I started following the Extreme Academy Live program to embark on this new career journey, and I’m absolutely thrilled I did. Thank you, Extreme Networks, for starting me on my path to becoming a full-fledged network engineer!” – Merganga Hettige, Sri Lanka

“I am a senior electrical engineer focused on configuring networks of servers, workstations, and other specialty computing equipment. The Extreme Academy Live course was a bit of a review for me, but it’s been nice to hear the concepts from a different perspective and see Extreme product examples. I look forward to future Extreme Academy courses.” – Tom J, United States

“The classes and instructor are wonderful! Extreme Academy Live came at a time when I really needed it. I worked in networking for more than 20 years at a company before being laid off on the last day of 2020, and I decided I wanted a refresher course. I’m now looking for a new job with a new and clear perspective.” – Claudia Hernandez, United States

“After losing my leg in an accident, I committed to furthering my education. Today, I’ve earned my master’s degree, spent 24 years as a network engineer, and am about to start my own small business focusing on wireless networks. The Extreme Academy Live program has reminded me how far I’ve come and that no one knows everything, so no time spent on education and retraining is ever wasted.” – Cary Gene Houck, United States 

“I’ve been in the software industry for 30 years and the move to centralized cloud is really intriguing to me. Learning about cloud management and seeing how platforms like ExtremeCloud IQ are able to manage APs from a single point of entry is great. I’m excited to add the Extreme Academy curriculum and certifications to my resume.” –  Jim Fagan, United States

“I love working with technology, so wherever I work I have asked to handle the networks. I am currently a systems administrator because I was the only one who volunteered! This class has been wonderful and helped me refresh my foundational knowledge. I now understand why certain tasks are necessary, not just how to do them.” –  Steve Burgess, United States

“I am a scientist at the Hemholtz Association, Germany’s biggest scientific institution. I manage hardware and software tasks and am knowledgeable about networking. I have really enjoyed the Extreme Academy Live course. I learned a lot about specific networking technologies and like the live questions that are asked during each session – making it feel more like a classroom. The instructors are passionate and do an outstanding job!” –  Florian Rau, Germany

Some Extreme Academy Live attendees joined the course as they were looking to start a new career in the technology industry, others were interested in what Extreme had to offer as opposed to other vendors, and some wanted a better understanding of how the industry has evolved. No matter what drew them to the course, they have all walked away with the knowledge and skills they need to advance their careers.

We are incredibly thankful for those who participated and can’t wait to launch the next course in the Extreme Academy Live series on April 1, 2021. Course two is on Building Secure and Robust Wireless Networks. Students will learn why wireless networks are important, how they work, design best practices, and security recommendations. It will run for two hours per week on Thursdays for eight weeks. We hope to see you in attendance – sign up here!

To complete the Extreme Academy Course, register on our website, watch the recorded lessons on YouTube, and take the certification exam. For other resources, please visit:

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