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Extreme Connect 2025 May 19-22
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Nora Guzman

Vice President, Product Marketing

Nora Guzman joined Extreme Networks in January 2021, as the Vice President of Product Marketing. She is also the Executive Sponsor of the Asian/Pacific Islanders (APIs) Employee Resource Group at Extreme. Prior to Extreme, Nora helped build the Product Marketing and Sales Enablement function at Amazon Business and led Healthcare and Life Sciences industry marketing at AWS. Prior to Amazon, Nora held various marketing roles at Baxter Healthcare, where she participated in their Marketing Development Program and took an ex-pat assignment in Singapore. Nora started her technology career as an enterprise networking industry analyst at IDC. She holds an MBA from the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business and a BA from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Nora resides in Seattle with her husband, 2 sons and a Lagotto Romagnolo dog.