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A Look inside SUNY Canton University – Virtual Tour

Deidra Peterson Specialist, Vertical Solutions Marketing Published 10 Feb 2020

SUNY Canton a longtime Extreme customer agreed to give us a behind the scenes view of their college campus.

SUNY Canton has over 500 acres of campus, 450 staff and 3,200 students with 4-6 devices each. With only one staff member to manage the network, Canton has a network that is now easy to manage and control as well as keep up with the growing number of devices across campus.“The network infrastructure is the foundation of everything we do” says Kyle Brown, asst. Vice-President and CIO. Additionally, to academics, SUNY Canton is known for their competitive Esports team, where quick response times and non-lagging network performance is essential. Along the way, they created one of the largest dedicated gaming installations in the Northeast: a 1,800 square-foot space with 25 high-end gaming rigs.

This institution requires fast and reliable network for their academic goals which has been made possible by Extreme technology.  Along this interactive college tour you will see SUNY Canton’s Esports Arena, Heritage Hall, Wicks Hall Computer Lab, The Southworth Library, Roos House Ice Athletic Center.  Throughout the virtual tour you will understand how Extreme is empowering all these buildings and how it all connects to create the Smart Campus.

Now, on to the tour!